Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I'm so bored, even if I'm in Florida. My mom and dad haven't come back to the hotel room yet. And I need to install java on my mom's laptop to play a game, but I can't get her permission. (This is my mom's laptop I'm writing on.) Chicken :^
            () ()
Bunny (-.-)  YAY!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Middle School...

Well, I now know what middle school I'm going to (if I can get in) mutter, mutter, smile, smile. And that middle school is the Andrews. So yeah... Please comment on what middle school your going to, it would really help me in who's going where. And are any of my other classmates going to the Andrews?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Blog!!!

Okay, so Lydia just called me, and now she is starting a blog!!!!! Nice job Lydia!!! I think it was going to be called laughing Lydia. Nice job Lydia!!!!! Congrats, welcome to the worlds of awesomeness (and blogging, but mostly awesomeness!). Yay, Lydia!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Ok, so Ben has been making a big deal about me not being a follower on his blog. Now I'm a follower on his blog. So there you go Ben. Are you happy?


Do you peeps like my new header??? I mixed it with comedy, and yelling. By the way, I think Mr. Allen lied to us so we would get all excited about Gentlemen Johny. Did anybody else see the kid who was playing the flute, or whatever it's called? Anyways, I have to do my homework. I'm so excited about my new character named June!!! She's an owl, if you didn't know that.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Help, help!!! Help me!!! I'm stuck on deciding a name for one of my characters in my story!! Help me please!! It was either going to be Spark, Ribbon, Delilah, Daffodil, June, or Sunset. Personally, I like Spark, June, Ribbon, and Delilah. But I can barely remember how to spell Delilah, well know I know. So that's isn't a problem. BUT I STILL NEED HELP!!!! Please comment on what name you want!!!    

Monday, April 4, 2011


Im WrItInG iN tHiS wEiRd WaY, BeCaUsE i FeEl LiKe It... BuT dO yOu KnOw WhAtS wEiRd???? HoW tHe WoRlD iS MaDe OF MACARONI SO I TOOK A BITE OUT OF A TREE. IT TASTED KINDA FUNNY, SO I SPIT IT AT A MONKEY. SO THE MONKEY STARTED CHASING ME!!! well that was sad. do you know what else is sad??? That this is one of the most normal (yeah right) posts i have ever made. IF YOU DISAGREE, PLEASE COMMENT!!! LoOk Up llamas with hats. ITS SOOOO FUNNY!!! Do Not Look At ANY OF THE OTHER VIDOES. BUT LOOK UP muffins TOO!!! ITS REALLY WEIRD, and sad!!! BUT LOOK THOSE TWO UP!!! IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE I NEED TO MENTION BESIDES BLARGH. OH YEAH, ONLY A QUATER OF THE CLASS KNOWS ABOUT THIS VIDEO BUT LOOK UP mr smiley face. It is so demeNted!!!    

Friday, April 1, 2011


Ok, so we all know who the double agents are now. I feel bad for all of the people who half of the class accused. Mostly Githendo, Ethan, and Franny. So yeah. I'll write a new post in thirty minutes, or something like that.