Friday, March 25, 2011

Double Dog Dares

I double dog dare you to read the old children part in Wind singer, and then say "My friends want to stroke you," to a kid that is six years old. I double dog dare you to buy a hot dog, then shove it in some one's face. I double dog dare you to talk in a British accent, while explaining a video. I double dog dare you to hold your breath for twenty seconds. I double dog dare you to sound like Fred for a day. I double dog dare you to call dogs, squirrels instead. I double dog dare you to act like a alien afraid of stuffed animals. I double dog dare you to go on YouTube and look up Fred then click on Fred looses his medications/meds. And the last thing is, I double dog dare you to do is to make a blog if you don't have one.


  1. I think your 'dares' are equally as demented and strange as Kristens! 'Shove a hot dog in someone's face'? Bit mean, isn't it? Just saying...

  2. Hahaha. Maybe they are... But demented, maybe just a little...

  3. I am going to Talk in a british accent while explaining a vid! PS Welcome Freshblogyte! Get it freshman, freshblogyte! HA ha ha! I welcome new bloggers like that exept every welcome of mine is different!
    >^^< Kitty!
